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Performance issues when dealing with high numbers of faces

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Performance issues when dealing with high numbers of faces

Posted by daniel.malinowski at June 24. 2021
Hello everybody,
i am working with Salome (version 9.5 on Windows 10 Pro and 8.5 on CAELinux2020) and recognised that the software is not using the full hardware.

My workstation consists of:
  • Intel Xeon Silver 4216
  • 256 GB DDR4
  • Nvidia Quadro RTX 5000

Monitored by the taskmanager, Salome barely exeeds 11% of RAM and 5% of CPU usage. This leads to slightly and very long work delay.

I attached a picture about the number of faces from my geometry. Currently i am not able to upload the geometry itself, because it is confidential.
If i am violating forum rules, please link me to the general rules.
Best regards


Re: Performance issues when dealing with high numbers of faces

Posted by gregor.simic at June 25. 2021

Hello Daniel,


based on the image where you have shown that you have less than 1 million faces (unless I am mistaken), the PC usage seems normal. The long delays when using actions in GEOM or SMESH (or SHAPER) comes from the fact that the features use only 1 CPU core. This will change in the next public release of SALOME (9.8). Of course not all features will become threaded, most notable the meshing algorithms will become threaded, lowering meshing time. SALOME authors will correct me if I am mistaken.

Can you describe the delays, as in how long they are and how long do you expect the delays to be?

For example, in my experience the longest delays came from loading complex STEP files (complex geometry and high size of > 500MB), which in worst case it took 15+ hours to load into GEOM, but when it was loaded and saved to study it was ready to be used. Of course actions that involved explosion of geometries took a while, but we have got used to waiting for actions. I have not used SHAPER due to inexperience with the workflow, but it is nonetheless a great improvement over GEOM in terms of geometry handling (my main actions involve group creation and it much smoother to create groups in SHAPER than in GEOM).

In SMESH for instance, we meshed surface meshes with 15+ million elements, and while we had to wait 30-60 minutes, when it was done and saved to study that was it about the "delay".

The only times I've experienced lack of resources is when I used SALOME on an extremely weak laptop, with 8GB RAM. I couldn't use multiple modules at the same time, but had to restart the session if I wanted to view results in ParaView.

Best regards,

Gregor Simic

Re: Performance issues when dealing with high numbers of faces

Posted by daniel.malinowski at June 25. 2021

Hello Gregor,

Thank you for your reply.

I agree that once everything has been loaded, between actions Salome works very smoothly in the geometry module. Modifications and changes to the geometry can currently take up to 1.5h. What is currently giving me severe delays is the "create group" function. When assigning individual surfaces, the process can be completed within 2 hours. But if I want to assign almost all faces as a wall, each step (for example selecting all faces or applying the process) takes more than 10h.

Regarding your question how long i expect the delays to be, i would appreciate it if the other ressources of my workstation could be used to reduce my delays significantly. I tried to build a mesh with preset settings, but cancelled the process, because of the still unknown delay.


Best regards


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