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Creation of mesh without geometry

Creation of mesh without geometry

This sample is known to work on the latest SALOME release.
The compatibility with previous versions of SALOME is not guaranteed, though the sample can work on old versions also.


Manual creation of a mesh.

Copyright © EDF R&D 2014.
This tutorial is a part of the EDF internal training course; it does not describe a real use case.


  • Launch SALOME.

  • Create a new study.

  • Launch GEOM module.

Creation of reference vector: (menu New Entity/Basic/Vector).

2nd Vector Constructor: 100; 0; 0.

Validation => VX.


Launch SMESH module

Creation of Mesh_1: (menu Mesh/Create Mesh)

Geometry: VX

1D: Choose algorithm: Wire Discretisation.

1D: Create the hypothesis: Nb. Segment = 1.

Compute Mesh_1.

Display the numbers of nodes (The edge can be found by 2 nodes).

Extrusion: (menu Modification/Extrusion)

2nd Constructor

Check Select the whole mesh, sub-mesh or groupe

Distance: 0; 100; 0.

Nb. Of Step: 1.

Apply and Close.

Creation of a node: (menu Modification/Add/Node)

Position: 50; 50; 75.

Creation of tetrahedron: (menu Modification/Add/Tetrahedron)

Enter Id Nodes: 1 2 3 5 -> Apply

Enter Id Nodes: 2 4 3 5 -> Apply

Set Display Mode: Shading and Shrink


Moving of a node: (menu Modification/Move Node)

Id Nodes: 5.

Coordinate: 50; 50; 100.

Element removal: (menu Modification/Remove/Elements)

Id Element: 2

Creation of a symmetry mesh: (menu Modification / Transformation / Symmetry)

Select the third constructor

Check Select the whole mesh, sub-mesh or groupe

Point : 0 ; 0 ; 0.

Normal : 0 ; 0 ; -10.

Select Copy Elements.

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